Happy New Year! Another fresh start and another list of resolutions? Or well planned goals? Are any of them health related? Maybe ....you're looking for weight loss? More energy? Or about to detox? You're browsing the right blog! I'm going to share the benefits of the fantastic Arbonne Nutrition range and how it may complement your new year goals!
Before I do that however, let me explain what happened to me. It was the end of 2012 and I was at my local gym in Ealing and got chatting to a personal trainer, who asked after my training - how it was going etc. I pulled a face and indicated I was troubled somewhat, because despite best efforts I was suffering from a classic case of stop start.
You know how it often is - you are feeling motivated, full of energy, you are down the gym, cooking lots of chicken and vegetables, you're racing about at work, working on your Arbonne business or other commitments in life, as well as juggling a busy social diary - either for you or your children (or both!). Three to four weeks into this routine, you're tired, motivation dips, you get drunk/run down/ill or all three, eat bad food and everything is out the window for a week. It then takes another week to gear yourself back up again. So, you psyche yourself back up, feel on top of the world and it starts all over again. Meanwhile, for me, even though the oily combination FC5 face set had worked wonders on my skin, I was still suffering spot break outs about every 6 weeks for no apparent reason. (Hormones, stress, lack of sleep or something missing in your diet can all be reasons for this)
The trainer responded to me with words, that I also hear often in business and really resonated with my challenges.
He said :
Conquering this is 80% diet and just 20% exercise
Consistency was always going to be the key
Exercise needed to become habitual
Once you have broken the pain barrier of 3 months of consistency, results came much easier
I went away for a little muse on his comments. For another 6 months.
Now let me put this into context for those who don't know me. I wasn't overweight, or unfit and my skin had been overall good since starting Arbonne. I also had some reasonable habits in place already - such as drinking lots of water, ate generally well, started the day with hot water and lemon, chose stairs over the lift etc. But. I wanted to feel good for longer. Consistently good and break this stop-start cycle.
Now let me put this into context for those who don't know me. I wasn't overweight, or unfit and my skin had been overall good since starting Arbonne. I also had some reasonable habits in place already - such as drinking lots of water, ate generally well, started the day with hot water and lemon, chose stairs over the lift etc. But. I wanted to feel good for longer. Consistently good and break this stop-start cycle.
So, half way through January 2013 after treading the same circles I decided it was time to invest in me (you only have one body and one life - right?). My goal was to conquer good healthy eating (having regular fresh food in the fridge would be a start), be gym consistent, increase my vitamin and mineral intake and only indulge in alcohol once a week - all in a bid to adapt my lifestyle. This is what I did:
I hired the Trainer
I put Arbonne "Fit Kit" & Collagen support tablets (good for any skin conditions) on special delivery, so it would land on my doorstep every 30 days ( to ensure I didn't ever run out of essentials)
Started having organic meat and fish deliveries (to stop having to shop every 1-2 days and ensure I always had fresh/good quality food in the fridge)
Hired a cleaner (I was going to be too busy in the gym)
If you think about it, the only item on that list that required real, genuine effort, was being whipped into shape by the Personal Trainer. The rest were just simple tweaks/changes that required a little bit of discipline.
Interestingly, as is life, just making a few small changes often leads to others, and a couple of months later I :
Interestingly, as is life, just making a few small changes often leads to others, and a couple of months later I :
Started incorporating yoga into my routine
I enrolled in the "Cycle to Work Scheme" and bought a bicycle to incorporate exercise into my daily travel routine by cycling to the gym/work/yoga
Invested in some physio to help me understand my back and shoulder issues the personal training had highlighted
Meanwhile I was - consistently - taking the nutrition daily, eating well, and overall doing well with indulging in alcohol just once a week.
6 months later and the result of these changes were:
Comments - "You look good, something is different - what is it?"
Skin compliments
Lost some body fat and weight has maintained
Increased muscle/tone
No skin break outs
Fit into old clothes that had previously been snug
Feeling good and making different choices when my stress levels increased - eg the gym, not the pub
Improved my posture
There is no doubt, that the initial forced disciplines and preparations set me up for success. I paid in advance for the trainer and the physio, and booked on line for my food and nutrition deliveries to land in advance. Over time however, I developed new habits. Now I just have the odd session with the trainer to keep me on my toes, and I'm due to finish with the physio this week, otherwise everything else remains largely the same (give or take too many beers over the course of December)
But, this is an Arbonne blog. So how did taking the nutrition complement my goal and how might it help YOU?
The Arbonne nutrition products are designed to assist the body with nutritional healing, to help it function properly by combating the challenges of modern life, which imbalances and disrupts the fine tuning - think gluten, whey, preservatives, refined sugars, white carbohydrates, alcohol, pollution etc If the body isn't functioning as it should, things can happen like - blood sugars dip, sluggishness develops, you store fat and toxins, IBS and skin problems develop. Ultimately, we are what we absorb, so if the body is imbalanced and isn't functioning as it should, vitamin absorption can be severely depleted.
So by taking the Fit kit (Protein shake, omega 3, Fibre Boost and Herbal infusion tea) along with the RE9 Collagen support tablets, I was not only helping my body to balance and function as it should, but I was also absorbing the essential vitamin and minerals both from the nutrition and my food. This meant I had more energy for working out and maintaining my busy life.
So by taking the Fit kit (Protein shake, omega 3, Fibre Boost and Herbal infusion tea) along with the RE9 Collagen support tablets, I was not only helping my body to balance and function as it should, but I was also absorbing the essential vitamin and minerals both from the nutrition and my food. This meant I had more energy for working out and maintaining my busy life.
Here's a little information on each of the products that I believe could help you this January for weight loss, energy levels, wellness and detoxing. Also, a note, all the nutrition is formulated without - artificial sweeteners/colours or flavours, trans fats, cholesterol, animals or animal by-products.
Protein shakes - Good for lean muscle - Meal replacement shake (breakfast and lunch) or if you are you an avid exerciser - Puts protein back into the muscle fibre - contains chromium which helps stabilise blood sugar - formulated with a pea and cranberry protein, meaning easier to absorb and therefore more effective. PACKED full of vitamins and minerals.
Good for weight loss, detoxing, energy, muscle definition, extra minerals and nutrients.
(I have one for breakfast every morning and one within 30 minutes of working out. I mix in a blender with lots of ice and water)
Omega 3 capsules - Omega 3 insulates and repairs cells in the body, Helps inflammation of the lining of blood vessels (Inflammation can lead to sickness - diets with lots of gluten, sugars and processed carbohydrate diets will lead to inflammation in the body) - Good for repairing injuries, connective tissues - Can help IBS and leaky gut syndrome - Helps with - keeping blood sugars stable, concentration, dry hair, dandruff, nails, dry flaky skin, itchy skin and all aspects of your health.
Great for repairing the body, concentration and detoxing
Antioxidant and immunity support - helps fight toxins - fortifies your system very quickly - supports your lymphatic system - good for you if post operative - reverses ageing at every cell level - good for skin conditions. Helps with inflammatory issues, oxidative stress and neutralises free radicals
Great to support immune system, overall health, energy and detoxing
The gut - SO important to get this operating properly - sort this out and so many other health symptoms go away:
Fibre boost - Great source of fibre - Makes you feel fuller for longer - Good for gastrointestinal tract and normal bowel function - Gives people the tools to help their system work properly
(I put this in with my protein shake)
Good for gut, energy and weight loss.
Digestive Plus - Pre-biotics - prepare the system to receive nutrition - Pro-biotics - helps break down the food - if you have an unhealthy gut the body stores fat and becomes sluggish - Gluten roughs up your insides, slows down the GI system and prevents vitamin absorption - use digestion plus to heal this. Also good for eczema and acne/skin conditions.
Essential for maximum vitamin absorption - we are what we absorb, not just what we eat. good for detoxing, weight loss and energy
Nutrition bars - very rich in fibre - High in quinoa - Will lift your blood sugar levels - source of further protein
Great as a snack - Have a quarter or half with lots water and will help you feel full. Fibre assists the gut. Good for energy and stable blood sugars.
Herbal infusion Tea - Tea is a potent cleanse for liver and kidneys - contains milk thistle which repairs. Healthy kidney and liver = you feel better
Swapping some or all of your drinks with caffeine or lots of milk, for this tea makes you feel generally "cleaner" inside. Good for detoxing and energy.
This is just a brief overview of some of nutrition and the benefits they could bring. I'd also encourage you to remember, with the nutrition supplements in order to see results they tend to show themselves after consistent use over a period of time. The best way to trial the nutrition is to purchase the items that best fit your health and fitness goals and use them consistently every single day for at least 30 days. For best results, if you can, commit to 90. If you presently do not take any supplements or nutrition and are overwhelmed by the prospect, perhaps just invest in one or two items from the range, simply incorporate into your daily routine until it becomes a habit and then you can branch out from there.
Whatever your goals this year, have a happy, healthy and prosperous 2014! By the way, just so you know.... I also firmly believe in having a "cheat day" once a week....
Jen x
Whatever your goals this year, have a happy, healthy and prosperous 2014! By the way, just so you know.... I also firmly believe in having a "cheat day" once a week....
Jen x
To receive full ingredient listings; Learn about Detox Spa range; Understand prices/offers/ discounts on Arbonne products; Learn about 30 Day to Fit programme, please revert to the consultant who shared this blog with you for more information.
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