Thursday, 24 May 2012

M is for May and Maya's Mercedes

"It does feel different when you get the car, it's true validation that the business works"

I wish life was like this every day. I am zooming down the M3 in my civvies on a "school day" listening to Radio 2 and I have a 10am breakfast meeting (or is that classed as elevenses), for which I am early. This is a small miracle in itself, I am always running 10 minutes behind, convinced that I'll make up the minutes somehow. However, on this occasion I am keen to arrive relaxed and in good time at my destination; I am meeting someone special for my May blog interview. I am feeling jubilant, yet envious, that my interviewee benefits from a business life like this everyday - breakfast meetings, lunches, coffees, wines, presentations, talking and mentoring; And very shortly, she will be doing all of that, in a spanking brand new white Mercedes, courtesy of Arbonne.

Now, most of my readers will be aware - I am an Arbonne consultant. Arbonne is a health, wellness and skincare business that is promoted via the network marketing model. It's an industry which can also be known as multi-level marketing or direct selling and still remains a largely unknown and, quite often, mis-understood business model. In recent years, the Internet and social media have revolutionised the old fashioned version of the industry and the business is currently being crammed to the rooftops with smart, savvy, professional women and men who are looking for a way off the corporate treadmill, or a flexible opportunity that does not shackle them to their desk for certain hours of the day.

Typically network marketing companies will offer different promotional levels within the business. In Arbonne, there are four titles; District Manager, Area Manager, Regional Vice President (RVP) and National Vice President (NVP). The playing field is flat, anyone can reach any title in the business and there are not a limited number of places at any one level. The promotion that everyone is fascinated by, whether they are in the business or not, is the promotion where "you get the white Mercedes". This is the RVP promotion to be precise. One receives a free monthly car allowance for a vehicle and there are two stipulations; It has to be a Mercedes; It has to be white. Since I started my business no one in our direct team has promoted and ordered the car. Until now. So I have requested a meet up with the new Regional Vice President Maya Queen, so that I could carry out my first Blog interview with an Arbonne RVP! So May is for Maya, and I want the inside knowledge on her Arbonne story. Jane Simpson (Area Manager), is hosting, so kitchen table at the ready, the tea and toast is on her.

When I arrive, Maya is coughing away and cuddled up in her poncho (on this chilly May morning?!). This is not quite what I expected. Is it stress? "No, I have run out of my immunity boosters" she laughs and then offers a little "region dance" to demonstrate that a throat croak isn't getting in the way of her pleasure at the recent promotion. "I didn't believe it until I saw my webstats this month! Even though I knew I had made it in April, until my title changed on line on the 10th May, it wasn't real." And the car? Maya scrunches up her forehead to reel off the make "the car's on order, its arriving this month, a C-Class Coupe with red leather interior and sun roof, I think it will be exciting all over again when it arrives."* What a long way she has come, since January 2009 when she started out.

Typically, a friend or associate will tell you about the Arbonne opportunity, but in Maya's case, she had a "sliding door moment" in a coffee shop in Weybridge, Surrey."I was with my two children Emma and James who were two and four at the time and my husband had popped next door to the Estate Agents. I was focused on keeping their hot chocolates upright rather than what was going on around me." Unbeknown to Maya, at the next table were two men and a woman having a business meeting and this chance seating arrangement, along with a curious son, was about to change the direction of her working life. "James started to chat with them, being the nosey thing that he is and the lady from the group (Aka RVP Sarah Mills) came round to see me, and said "I notice you have two young children, would you be interested in trying some pure safe and beneficial skin care for them?". What Sarah couldn't have known, is that Maya, was actually a skin care buyer for a large well known chain of stores. "I had reached for my business card, but then Sarah told me that you couldn't buy the product through a retail outlet, only through the Internet or an appointment based outlet, like a spa". Pausing for a bite of toast and a swig of tea Maya then laughs "....then she told me they also have an anti-ageing range, I was obviously looking a bit rough that day!"

Curiosity and Maya's open nature, meant she accepted the offer of a free trial of the renowned "gold bag" and the full baby range. "I still didn't get it, I assumed those two men, must be her bosses and that she was some form of posh Avon lady. I was also a bit sceptical because I had never heard of the product before". Loving the results of the gold bag (RE9 Advanced range), Maya read up on the information behind the products themselves, and there was something else that caught her eye. Toxin Awareness. " I didn't have a therapist background, so was unaware about actual ingredients within your standard beauty products. I was horrified to discover that many products contain so many toxins and that 60% of what you put on your skin is absorbed into your bloodstream". Arbonne doesn't contain such controversial and potentially harmful products, so when Sarah returned to collect her goods, Maya was busy throwing out her old skincare and was armed with her credit card and ready to order.

However. Sarah urged Maya to consider the business.

"I said to her - you're joking me aren't you? I work full time, I've got two small children, I want to work less not more!" However, Sarah's poignant words  "This is a home based, Internet driven, flexible working opportunity" got the cogs in her brain turning; "I thought to myself...could this be a way off the hamster wheel?" Maya did her due diligence by researching the industry, the company and attending Arbonne's opportunity meetings to get a feel for others in the business. "I discovered that the crux of the business, is re-directing your spend on beauty products into your own business, and then showing others how to do the same. There is no flogging door to door, no holding stock, it is simply about spreading the word via your network and via your network's network and so on. It is also incredibly tax efficient." With a sponsor and no boss, the opportunity made more and more sense to Maya and she remembers "I thought, what if it works? The benefits could be immense. Or, if it didn't work, well....I would be left with a bunch of products I liked using anyway." Maya also couldn't deny a nagging thought at the back of her head; "I would probably always wonder if I didn't try and what if someone came up to me in the future and tried to offer ME the gold bag. I would have been gutted." As the old saying goes, the things in life you regret are often the things you don't do, rather than the ones you do. Maya decided to jump in.

Typically when someone begins their Arbonne business, they hold invitation-only business launches with and to their network. In Maya's case she was actually abroad in the run up to her launch and only managed to send a blanket text out to everyone in her address book, telling them when to come round, and then hoped for the best. "Seriously, not only was I working full time, but I was also abroad a lot of the time! I literally had half an hour here and there to fit the business in." Laughing again, she then recalls "Then on the actual day of my launch - honestly, talk about unprofessional - people were due round at 8pm, and I got home fifteen minutes before it started because I was stuck on the M25! Not only that, but I had a big hole in my tights and I didn't have time to change!". Laughing at the memory of her cobbled together launch, I struggle to imagine Maya rushed and stressed. She is always cool, poised and unruffled - and definitely with no holes in her tights!

When Maya promoted to Area Manager within 6 months, she decided to take a break from her full time job, and then resigned altogether. With an inflexible employer declining her part time requests and seeing the long term growth potential of her Arbonne business, she chose lifestyle and Arbonne over the M25 and employment. It was a brave move, she must have had absolute belief in her future. "Absolutely, I wouldn't have resigned for hobby money, RVP was always the main goal." When Maya talks about her business, she does so with utter conviction and lots of passion. Always smiling, always available to offer advice, she seems to thrive on being an Arbonne Consultant "I love everything about this business. I love the fact it's not routine, I love being my own boss - no one dictates your timetable - you're round people's houses, the camaraderie, the people, team spirit, and the empowerment" She is on a roll now, the list isn't ending, there is nothing she doesn't love, particularly in comparison with employment. "I have always been salary safe before, with lots of pipe dreams of owning my own business." Well, the pipe dream has become a reality, because the car is on the way, and now Maya is looking to Nation as her next goal.

Of course, many people start Arbonne whilst they are engaged in other careers, but that's the beauty of the business, there are no set hours, you can work it around your life and not the other way round. Maya's journey has been at a steady pace, "I started Arbonne on 29 January 2009, I am not a rocket ship (the record to get to Region is just 12 weeks!) but I see myself as a Steady Eddie. The next goal is Nation, and however long it takes me - I will get there." But with Maya having a background in skincare, did this mean that she has the right credentials for this type of business? "No, not at all. I still had to get out my comfort zone, talk to people, practise what to say, make mistakes and ultimately be willing to learn. You don't wake up one morning and think - great I am doing Arbonne now, and I know all the answer. It is like any new "job" or industry! Honestly, if someone is willing to learn, then anyone can do this business - it is 100% learn able; I have all sorts of different personalities in my business a real eclectic mix, which just goes to show that not one size fits all."

"Team" is a word that Maya has used over and over whilst we discuss her experiences with Arbonne, which could be considered odd, given that it is your own business and you do not have employees. However, the point of network marketing, is that your growth is bred from helping others in your downline - to do what you are doing. Maya describes her promotion to region as if she has scaled a wall, and now has a rope, which she is throwing down to every member of her team and one by one she is going to help pull everyone up beside her. "You are of course creating a business for yourself, but you are also helping other people achieve their goals and dreams too. I know it sounds too good to be true...but that really is the beauty of it; You are creating a residual income, by helping other people build their businesses too."  Comparing it to the corporate world, and gesturing like a chicken, she exclaims how "it's very different, often in that environment the sharp elbows come out if someone is getting good, but Arbonne is the other way round, you want everyone to be great".

This is why Maya makes such a fabulous ambassador for this business; Down to earth, trustworthy, passionate and full of integrity. But what other traits does she possess that has helped her get where she is. "I have needed to demonstrate persistence, tenacity, consistency, always having my end goal in mind and always knowing I would never quit ... and in the meantime, the beauty about is, I am doing it with my people - your own team and culture. In fact, someone asked me yesterday whether I can retire now. What would I retire from - and why would I want to ? No more coffees and social chats? I love what I do, so why would I stop? And why would I not want to help my team get there too?"

How many of us can truly say that about our current employment status I wonder?

By this point, we have hoovered up the toast and tea, and the interview is reaching a natural close, and we can't help but lapse into a discussion about the people in our lives who we think would be fabulous in this business. Meanwhile, Maya puts the kettle on (this is literally business around a kitchen table) and jigging around in her poncho, she dramatically declares some further words of wisdom for my Dictaphone as a parting shot:

"Anyone who has a good feeling when they hear about this business, should just jump in and do it! And I'm telling you, if they knew what I know now, they definitely would! Also, you get tax relief from buying all your fantastic products. HA ! I actually get paid to wash!"**

I couldn't have concluded things better myself.


To be part of the car celebrations:

Sunday June 10th 2012 2.30pm -  Maya Queens car presentation Woodlands Park Hotel, Woodlands Lane, Stoke D'Abernon, Cobham, Surrey, KT11 3QB - Guests invited, so please RSVP via Facebook or email to attend (as my guest) or contact the consultant who shared this blog with you.
Saturday July 7th 2012 - Region party. Consultants only. Please RSVP to your RVP Maya Queen.

*Since writing this blog, aforementioned white Mercedes has arrived. The model in the pictures is not a fake, it is indeed, Maya Queen.
** To learn more about how you could be paid to wash, contact the consultant who shared this blog with you

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Made up with March .... but arriving in April....

Made up with March

I know I know I know ...I am ridiculously late with this edition, and April is already here - and halfway over !!!  Naughty Jen! However, I hope it has been worth the wait, because I wanted to share a fabulous event with you and - as ever - more information on Arbonne. So this is a bumper blog this month!

So, Amalia ( had a second business launch* (with a twist) at the end of March! Inviting make up artist Amanda Oliver ( and photographer Claire Shek ( into the mix, we had a fabulous day with Amanda giving us all a make over using the Arbonne make up range, and with Claire "click clicking" in the background, photographing us looking glam! In between all the beauty activity we presented the business opportunity, tried other products, and sat in the sunshine, scoffing snacks and quaffing bubbly! What a fabulous way to spend a Sunday with a fabulous bunch of ladies! Take a look at some of Claire's snaps that capture the day nicely. The day has kick started Amalia's business off to a flying start!

Given the theme, I thought it was apt to feature the make up this month!

Amanda used "Soft blush" perfecting liquid 
foundation on me
Now, I am not proclaiming to be a skincare expert, but I know how my skin has changed since using the Arbonne ranges, and the make up is a big part of that. Before Arbonne I used a foundation that was supposed to help blemishes, but it was thick and gloopy and I could never get the colour juuuuust right. It left me shiny and self conscious by lunchtime and it definitely didn't help with spots. Now I use the Arbonne primer, concealer and foundation, as the base for the rest of my make up. So gone are the days of gloopy, poorly coloured foundations....there is a huge range of colours so you can pick a tone exactly right for you and it is incredibly light, gliding onto the skin, rather than spreading like butter. My "face" also holds up all day, so I can pop to the pub after work and and still have a nicely made up appearance. This has done wonders for my confidence. On a "don't take my word for it" note; A regular client said she went out clubbing, and went to the bathroom, expecting to have to re-apply, but her make up remained in tact, rather than her face having "slide down her couture"!

What is so special about Arbonne make up that sets it aside from other brands?
The brand evolved in consultation with top make up artists (think TOP TOP) and the outcome is"treatment make up". So all the good your skin is receiving from the FC5 or RE9 ranges, is further complimented by the make up. The range has been designed with optilight technology - a light reflective technology. This works in two ways. Firstly Light is diffused to create a soft focus effect, blurring imperfections so that the skin looks flawless from virtually every angle. Secondly, finely sized pigments allows the skin to breathe, meaning it is "as light as air" to wear. This comprehensive formula is combined with key botanics and contains no harmful chemicals.

So, lets take a look at some of the key products in the range;

The perfecting liquid foundations smooth out fine lines and imperfections and at the same time assists the skin's moisture level - the skin stays hydrated throughout the day, but the skin feels light rather than feeling like it has been caked on. The foundation allows skin to breathe and is non-comendogenic (doesn't block the pores which can create blackheads - anyone suffering from spots should always use non-comendogenic products). Containing a natural spf, the foundation is also helping protect the skin from sun damage. Often foundations can contain mineral oils, which basically coats the surface of de-hydrates and blocks the pores of, your skin.

Amanda used "expresso" perfecting
liquid foundation on Marge
Sheer tinted moisturisers offers a lighter coverage than the foundation, so great for even complexions or simply a weekend or perhaps a trip to the gym when you just want a little coverage. With similar qualities to the foundation, the skin will stay hydrated.
The Powder foundation coats the skin lightly offering flawless appearance and a healthy sheen and can be used on top of the tinted moisturisers and foundations.
Sheer pressed powder - good for touch ups throughout the day. Rose hip - antibacterial, helps with shininess
The Concealer helps to  mask imperfections/puffy eyes. Not oily or greasy and good around the eyes particularly if they are tired.
The Primer is a vitamin rich product and does what is says on the tin - it primes the skin for the application of the make up; It helps make up last and look flawless all day. Often described as liquid velvet on the skin, it helps the make up sit and settle and locks in the foundation. Green sea extracts helps nourish and re-generate the skin. Men also love using this (without the make up), for a nice flawless sheen.
Sheer glow highlighter adds radiance / glow to your skin - any skin tone. multi purposes. tiny bit on cheekbones, around lips, cleavage. OR - mix with your liquid foundation - apply all over as normal, gives even more luminosity. Dewy look to the skin. put on hand and compare with the other hand.
Blusher - Light weight with mineral infused pigments - so very concentrated, so brush, dust, apply.
Eye shadows, the pigments are botanically rich. long wearing.
Eye liners are creamy, soft, no wood, click and turn, but you can sharpen the edges of the liner with the detachable sharpener at the end. Non smudge, so stays in place all day.

Amanda used the Triple Action
Mascara on Amalia
Triple Action Mascara contains no chemicals and therefore conditions lashes rather than drying them out. As you get older lashes can get shorter and fall out more frequently, the chemicals often contained within beauty products will not help this. This product treats, conditions and protects lashes and from an appearance perspective, lengthens, refines, smudge resistant and long wearing. Anyone who has a condition that means lash loss, this is a good option. (Not waterproof - we would need to use chemicals to make waterproof).
Lash enhancer revitalises and lengthens the lashes. Containing botanticals that condition and thickens lashes, it also stimulates lash re-grow. Apply to base of the root twice daily, this product conditions and strengthens lashes and can even be used on sparse eyebrows too, to encourage re-grow.
Eye make up remover - oil free this conditions eyelids and lashes. Don't drag outwards. Circular movements to remove - wipe inwards and this will dissolve and break down the make up, and will then wash off easily.
Lipsticks - long wearing and do not seep onto the skin. Moisturises and conditions the lips, containing mango butter and alpine skullcap - and loaded with vitamins.

Note to clients - If you are an avid user of the Arbonne skincare, it is recommended that you use the make up too, to compliment rather than impair your skincare routine. Other branded make up - as with other skincare products -  can often contain parabens and chemicals. Parabens are preservatives, and highly controversial as being an oestrogen mimic and linked to breast cancers. Mineral oils coat the skin, blocks the pores and ages the skin; Arbonne products and make up are paraben and mineral oil free.

I hope you have enjoyed this little insight into the make up range, feel free to contact me for samples.


This months PWP - Spend £45 (prior to usual discount) and you can buy the Arbonne Essentials Vitamin shots for just £25.00 - that is a 55% discount. Stuffed with high quality ingredients they are formulated using an integrative approach, the ingredients work together to increase nutrient uptake for optimum absorption and effectiveness.

Key Botanicals include: Black Pepper: Contains piperine, a constituent in black pepper that helps increase nutrient uptake so nutrients are better utilised by the body Milk Thistle: Contains silymarin, a constituent in milk thistle that supports liver health, which in turn supports production of the body's powerful, internally made antioxidant, glutathione Red Clover: Contains antioxidant isoflavones to help support bone health Green Tea: A great source of antioxidants Rhodiola: An adaptogenic herb that supports well being Chamomile: Helps soothes the stomach. All these ingredients are accompanied along with a stack of Vitamin C & D, Riboflavin, Selenium, Zinc, B12.

As always, if you need any assistance with your renewal or general orders, don't hesitate to contact me. I hope you have enjoyed this months feature, as much as I enjoyed researching it! Enjoy the rest of April, and I will see you in May for another special edition feature. Here's a clue. White Mercedes! See you soon folks x

*For more information on how you can launch your own Arbonne business, you can contact me on

Sunday, 12 February 2012

I heart February

I heart February
Wow, how is it February already? How did the resolutions go? I made it to the yoga class a few times and my new gym workout are no words.... Aside from body torture, I have also been busy introducing people to Arbonne! Later in the blog read about why Amalia has joined my team and has launched her very own Arbonne business.

Firstly however, lets do some housekeeping!

Purchase With Purchase - A favourite with my RE9 clients ... Yes the Cellular Renewal Face Mask is back on PWP! Spend £45 (standard retail) and take the opportunity to buy the mask for just £20 (worth £51) !!!

Host rewards - Fancy getting a fantastic discount and free gifts? Want to introduce toxin free products to your friends but don't know how? Want an excuse to have all your nearest and dearest round to yours for tea and cakes/wine and nibbles? Hosting an Arbonne party could be the way! "Host" means, you provide the accomodation (lounge or kitchen!), raid your kitchen for the tea and biscuits, and you invite your friends over for a couple of hours to an Arbonne get together. In return, your friendly Arbonne consultant (aka moi!) presents the products, explains Arbonne's Swiss heritage and gives the host some nice gifts for loaning out their lounge and friends! Let me know if you would like to know more !!!

Client Renewal - Some of you may have received an email about your Arbonne renewal! What does this mean? Well, for another £10.40, you can renew your discount for a further 12 months, AND take advantage of a renewal RSVP (Choose up to £400 of products for £200). Whilst your membership is probably officially April/May time, you can take advantage of the renewal RSVP now. I know I did !! Let me know if you need help renewing!

                                                      * *  * *  * *  * *  * *  * *

So, we launched Amalia in London on Thursday to her nearest and dearest, and they all left clutching the renowned "gold bag". Arbonne has consultants from all walks of life, and all sorts of different backgrounds, and earlier in the month, I asked Amalia a few questions to understand why she chose the Arbonne opportunity. So, in the spotlight, Amalia, 33, West London:

How did you hear about Arbonne? Through one of my best friends.

Had you heard of network marketing before Arbonne? Yes, but I didn't fully understand the model. Like most people not in the know, I thought it was some kind of pyramid selling. How wrong was I.

What appealed to you about joining the business? Mainly the opportunity to earn a residual income alongside my full time job. Both my husband and I would like to buy a house and have a family but we can't afford it at the moment. I strongly feel that if I put the effort into my Arbonne business, over the next couple of years we will have the financial freedom to do these things.

Why is it a good fit for you? I currently work for a large corporate. It is a fabulous company to work for, everyone works hard but it's a very positive "can do" environment to work in. Having been to several Arbonne meetings, training sessions and launches, I felt that same energetic and positive vibe as I do in my day job! How lucky is that! I also like to have several projects on the go so having my own business in tandem with the security of a "job" is just perfect.

Do you use the product? Yes. Absolutely. I wouldn't recommend doing this business unless you like the products. You wouldn't recommend a rubbish film to your friends....This is no different in my opinion.

Do you have a favourite product? Yes. I have 3 in fact, from the RE9 range. The toner, day cream and night cream.

And what a fabulous consultant Amalia will be!! Things are off to a flying start! So, question for you? Do you know someone who is looking for a second income? If so, Arbonne may be a good fit for them! Send them in my direction!

So have a fabulous February and Valentine's Day folks! Happy Shopping!

I heart Arbonne

Monday, 9 January 2012

Happy New You !

Fabulous Arbonne Sea Source Detox Spa

Happy New Year! How are you all ? Good I hope? My first blog of the year will take on a slightly different format to normal. I am going to focus purely on a hot January topic - DETOX ! January is that typical time of year, people look to re-vamp their lifestyle, or possibly have a post Christmas cleanse. Or perhaps you are dieting already and you want to give your weight loss a helping hand? Or maybe none of the above, but you just want super soft skin?? Whichever way it may be, are you sitting comfortably? Hold on tight for this January Home Spa Detox Special !

Firstly, what are the signs that YOU may need to detox?

*Congested/shiny skin *Bowel issues *headaches *Fatigue *Joint pain *depression *fluid retention *Wind (not the weather!) *Indigestion *Bad breath *Insomnia *Overweight *Asthma *Sinusitis *Run down

Secondly, why does detoxing with Arbonne help?

The marine plants and essential oils awaken the immune system and helps flush toxins out of the body

Thirdly, there are three key activities that will assist a detox programme:

* Regular body buffing/brushing from your feet to your head - large circular movements with a body brush or similar - this is to assist breaking down fatty cells *
 * Drink lots of water to help flush toxins (broken down fatty cells) out *
 * Exercise *

So, let me talk you through Arbonne Seasource products that help to assist a detox and weight loss programme:

Purifying Sea Soak Bath - This product is a "powerhouse" of antitoxidants all in one lovely bath soak. The contents of this sachet are very purifying and will re-mineralize your body, as it absorbs the minerals and trace elements. After you have bathed, it is recommended that you rest......relaxing and healing a soak is highly recommended before bed. Also, fine for a hot tub, as there is no scum!! (I love love love these baths - I particularly like them if I am feeling run down, a great pick me up! )

Foaming Sea Salt Scrub - Exfoliating is one of the most anti-ageing things you can do. This exfoliater helps with cellulite as it stimulates the cell wall around the fat and gets it moving (will be excreted through the body). It assists with skin and lymphatic circulation, and reducing fluid retention. If you are ill/tired/on medication it will help with fortifying your system. Also contains magnesium/zinc/copper which helps slimming down....and great for dry skin. (LOVE this - silky smooth skin straight away - and great for pimples on the back of arms - really works!)

5 in 1 Essential Massage Oil - Medically proven to be detoxifying (and won 2010 UK Beauty Award) Apply using knuckles! (It may hurt if you have cellulite). The essential oils are absorbed into the body within 10 minutes, and will leave skin firm and smooth. Can also be used in the bath and also assists with getting rid of fluid retention (contributes to weight loss) and circulation improvement. For best results drink 2 litres of water the same day as your bath! (I love this in my bath - silky smooth skin afterwards! Not yet tried the knuckle massage, I am going to try it this month!) Nb.Very stimulating, not recommended when pregnant or breastfeeding

Sea Mud Face and Body Mask - A very powerful and active healing product! It is full of blue/green algae which is packed full of anti-toxidants and vitamins. This mask particularly helps with skin complaints such as Eczema and Psoriasis (recommend application of skin conditioning oil first). The product works by drawing out and ingesting toxins and waste products from the lymph system.The ginger root also relaxes muscles. Skin may go red - but this is a sign it's working! (I love using this on my face, it calms my skin/break outs)

Detoxifying Rescue Wash - This is good for hair/face/body (helps with chemically treated hair too!) It cleanses and detoxifies, soothes, stimulates, conditions and is also anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial; so great after exercise. Good again for Eczema and Psoriasis (I use daily as a body wash and since using it, the spot prone skin on my back and chest has hugely improved)

Fortifying Hair Mask - Despite its name - this can actually be used anywhere on the body where you suffer dry or flaky skin! It can be left on overnight for an intense treatment, and great for anyone with scalp conditions. With sage leaf, which is anti-viral, shea butter which is nourishing and calming. Healing, calming and intensely conditioning, this can be used as a conditioner or left on longer as a treatment. (A once a week must for me, and a personal favourite with two of my preferred clients)

Renewing Body Gelee - Containing lots of sea botanical extracts and helps restore the skins iconic balance. It is great for stimulating cellulite in conjunction with the massage oil. Cooling and refreshing, it helps long haul heavy legged flights, lymphatic problems, after exercise, after sun, after waxing, varicose veins and headaches. (I use after exercise religiously, the "cooling" feeling is just fabulous!)

Re-mineralizing 24 Hour body lotion - A brilliant intense moisturiser that leaves the skin silky soft for 24 hours. Behaving as a shield and moisture trap, it has collagen support and contains olive oil, shea butter and sea kelp. Is also excellent for the feet if they are particularly dry (I LOVE this moisturiser, particularly after the salt scrub, it's the softest my skin has ever been! also convinced it has helped give me firmer skin on my bottom. Sorry to all boy clients reading this!)

I don't know about you, but it makes me want to jump in the bathroom this second (The detoxing, not the firmer bottom) !

So how much would the entire set cost you ? Well, you may have received my text last week regards this months PWP, and this will considerably reduce the cost of your spend. The Seasource Express set is just £40 with any £45.00 spend (Please note this £45.00 standard retail price, so before your discount of 20% as a PC and 35% as a Conslt). This set contains the gelee, the hair mask, face/body mask, sea salt scrub, rescue wash. 5 down, 3 to go. If you were keen to complete the set, after discount, you can buy the massage oil/body lotion/massage oil for just under £85.00 - so the entire range could be all yours for just £125 instead of the retail value of £209! Call me if you require any order assistance, or to talk through the products/ingredients/offers in more detail!

If you are detoxing/dieting/not boozing, then best of luck with the success of your goal - you can do it! Personally I have a new gym programme, and I have had to indulge in sea soaks and gelee applications already to sooth my aching limbs!

So that's all for this month folks, may 2012 be a great year for you all, see you next month!