Sunday, 11 December 2011

Dreamy December

This is the final blog of the year ! Can you believe it ? Time is whizzing by ! This time last year, I had not long been introduced to Arbonne, and was contemplating a 2011 business start up...and I'm so glad I did! I have learnt so much in the last 8 months, some of it about products, some of it about network marketing and some of it about myself.....I wonder what 2012 will bring?

Anyway. Enough about me...let's move on. What's in the news this month?

This month's PWP

Spend £45.00 (Before discount) and you can buy the Arbonne Sheer Glow Highlighter for just £12.00! Bargain! This is from the cosmetics range and is prefect for the party season. It adds an instant glow when strategically dabbed in all the right areas .... whether that be eyes/cheeks or ....collar bone ! :o)

(Also, don't forget, travel and detox spa sets are on PWP every month when spending various amounts - don't forget to check the promotions underneath your basket total to see what you qualify for!)

Business news

Arbonne really listen to the feedback from their consultants who are sharing this product and business with others. As a result, they are making it easier for people to join - and stay in - the business. Sign up has been reduced from £75.00 to £54.00 per consultant. This sign up entitles you to 35% discount off the products and you are sent business aids, such as workbooks and sample sets. The monthly consultant discount maintenance purchases has also been adjusted. It is now a yearly accumulative value, as opposed to two out of three months minimum orders. This makes the business of "staying in the game" much easier whilst you are busy building your network - great news when spare cash is often tight for us all in these tough times! You really can start a business for just over £50! Want to understand more? Or want to start your business in 2012? Contact me!

December Testimonial

The Arbonne Nutrition range is top of the range in terms of quality. This month, I have a glowing testimonial on the Calcium supplement - Big thanks go to this client, as I have just learnt some new things about Calcium myself!

"All my life I have had trouble with calcium - my body is not a good absorber of vitamins. When I was younger and in High School I actually fainted through calcium deficiency and I had to have some calcium injections. The sensations I felt after taking these tablets were a similar effect to these injections, which told me my body was absorbing the calcium - and quickly (my mouth was dry and I felt hot). But the a couple of days I didn't feel fatigued, my nails were better, my bones didn't hurt and my vision was better. Also, it means I didn't have to worry about having a morning coffee anymore (coffee absorbs calcium) as I knew I was getting plenty of calcium. I would highly recommend to others !"

Festive Lines

Don't forget, these end in December ! And if you are stuck for gift ideas, take advantage of your preferred client 20% discount!

Well, that's all folks! Sorry its short and sweet, but I am off to indluge in my white Christmas dreams, mulled wine and (what seems like) endless shopping! Call me if you need any help with ordering or to quiz me further on the business.......x

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ! May it be a great one !

Monday, 7 November 2011

L-ovember Rain

The delicious FC5 range
Here we are....rainy November, but good news....big LOVE for Arbonne this month and big LOVE for my fabulous Arbonne clients, who have been offering me testimonials left, right and centre. so welcome to LOVEmber peeps.

This month I am kicking straight off with FC5 testimonials. There are two face ranges for FC5; Hydration and Oily/Combination. The ranges are unisex, and suitable for all ages. But firstly, what does FC5 actually stand for? It stands for Fresh - Cell - 5. "Five what?" I hear you say! Fresh cells are extracted from 5 fruits and vegetables, whilst keeping them intact and locking in nutrients that promote radiance. The cells are protected and encapsulated until they then come into contact with your skin, when they release their precious nutrients and help revitalise, hydrate and protect the skin. The 5 fruit and vegetables are: Kiwi  - source of anti-oxidants; Strawberry - purifying / toning; Carrot - smooths and ripe with B-carotene; Mango - nurturing/hydrating; Pumpkin - moisturising and bursting with B-carotene

Fabulous ingredients....and it smells gorgeous too !!

FC5 Hydration Testimonial

"The first time I trialled the RE9 ADVANCED sample strip, but unfortunately they didn’t match with my skin combination, as I can suffer with dry skin. So I took home the full set of FC5 Hydration range for three days and it matched like a stamp on a letter! It gave my face a fresh feeling, very moisturised, and a good texture. The combination in the creams mixed very well with my face, neck, the PH of my skin and contains sun protection too, so I bought the full range.

Sometimes, now, after coming out from my shower and using the FC5 Hydrating Cleanser, my face feels so hydrated that I don’t have to use the face cream. Before Arbonne, my face felt like a desert waiting for rain - a very uncomfortable feeling. These products have more lasting hydration, help with looking young, and gives more confidence in me. 

One of my other favourite products from the FC5 range is the hand cream. After having Psoriasis problems in the past on my hands, this is the first cream I’ve used after treating my problem and after all the medical ointments. I keep it with me in my purse all the times, especially now with cold weather. I have also recommended the products to friends and colleagues!"

FC5 Oily/Combination Testimonial

As you will know from earlier blogs, the FC5 oily/combo range is "my" range owing to my personal skin challenges (See September Spotted entry). But - lets hear about it from someone else: 

"I have used the FC5 oily/combination (cleanser/toner, moisturiser, mattifying powder) for the last few months and it is a perfect range for my skin! After years of struggling with oily/shiny skin, these products have given me the confidence of having oil free/clean skin all day long. They offer a fresh, matte feeling - that most importantly lasted way beyond lunchtime! My pores become significantly smaller/reduced and the occasional 'breakout' I used to suffer with, has not happened since using the range. 

I also love the universal FC5 scrub as it never fails to leave my skin feeling squeaky clean and as soon as I apply the (mattifying) powder I feel confident to start the day and feel really 'clean' and fresh. I also thought the try before you buy was an excellent system - I felt confident the range I was purchasing was the right one for me and I very much looked forward to my parcel arriving!!"

Perhaps you know someone that suffers with oily skin/spots dryness who would like to try these ranges? If so, let me know, and they too can benefit from a free three day trial!

So, what other news for you !? 

The Business

This business is BOOMING at the moment....the end of October saw another Regional Vice President promote into a National Vice President (Top spot and only the 4th in the UK so far!) and two more people promote to Region - Aka the White Mercedes level !! The Arbonne opportunity is huge, so whether you are looking for an extra £100 a month income, or £1000 a month or to leave your full time really doesn't matter...this business really does have room for everyone! What to know more? Or know someone that may want to hear more? Contact me!

PWP - Lovember's purchase with purchase

Spend £45.00 as a preferred client and you can buy the RE9 Cellular Renewal Mask for just £20 !!! A £31 discount (over 60% off)! I know that some of you are big fans of this mask - as am I !!! Even though I am a FC5 devotee, I use this mask every 10-14 days. It really does leave you fresh faced, glowing and as soft as a baby's botty! I tend to use the mask (the night before) important work meetings or a big night out the following evening, to give me extra confidence! So, what does it actually do? The mask :

*regenerates the skin through the removal of dead skin cells 
*diminishes the appearance of fine lines 
*encourages cell renewal and skin repair

Please note this is a very stimulating product due to the Pineapple and Papaya enzymes, so do NOT use it before going out as you may go bright red! Best to use it the night before !!

At £20 this is a Bargain ! 

Festive Gifts
I sent out the Festive catalogues over a week ago. If you did not receive yours - let me know. Why not take advantage of your Arbonne 20% discount, and use it to order your Festive gifts for friends, family, your kid's teachers...or perhaps you run your own business and you need corporate gifts for clients - Why do the typical booze or food? Why not give a gift with a difference, and order it from the comfort of your lounge - on your laptop - in front of Corrie! Why trudge round the shops!?

Who - hoo!! Lovember sees the launch of the Arbonne perfumes! Big excitement for me! Click into this link for more information. Still trying to figure out the sample situation for these - Bear with me. - Go to the "whats new" section.

Well that's it peeps, thanks for reading. Big November Love ! See you all soon ! xx

Wednesday, 5 October 2011


No....its nothing to do with beer....or Germany....but this month is my very own October-fest...because, well firstly its October...and secondly....the launch of the Arbonne Festive Range !! Excitement !! Ok, so it might be a little early to be decorating the tree, but Facebook clearly shows that we are all thinking about it. What with people writing Christmas cards and starting (or in some cases actually finishing!!) Christmas shopping...or should I be saying Festive shopping these days ? Who knows ! Who cares !! Santa's coming soon ! So I have ordered my catalogues, and all you clients will be receiving your own catalogue from me imminently.

However, I think I can sense sniffs of curiosity.... so let me drop some rather large about ladies's cologne (yum!)....stunning scented candles...vanilla body range ....The Festive range was launched just recently, at the Arbonne Annual Conference (right before James Cracknell spoke - or tried to - amidst the wolf whistles and mild hysteria!) last month. It actually was like kids at Christmas, rushing for testers of the scents and to try the make up colours, a lot of fun! I will be holding a festive launch this month, where people can pop along to try/test/touch some of the products over a vino - watch this space for your invite ! First one planned for London, provisional date of 19th October - SAVE THE DATE!

So, what else is on the Arbonne list this month? PWP, a testimonial and lets dip our toes into detox shall we?

For all new clients, this stands for "Purchase with Purchase". I usually show clients how to shop for these after their initial order when they are thinking about a re-order and want to learn to navigate the web page themselves and how to find the deals and bargains! (Anyone needing a reminder, inbox me)

So, what is it this month? Women's daily power packs for just £30 (usually £74.00) with every £45 SRP (standard retail spend) you spend just £36.00 after a preferred client discount has been applied, or £29.25 as a consultant. Great value - the quality of these vitamins are phenomenal, and they are designed to be high opposed to "excreted" almost immediately through the body shall we say .... they are fabulous, so why not give them a whirl whilst they at a bargain price point ! They are also vegan and gluten free....

This Month's Testimonial - Men's RE9 
Again, I am turning to a client to put their experience into their own words...

"I decided to try Arbonne after attending Jen's London Launch. I liked the sound of the guy who is developing the serums (Dr Peter Matravers) and the fact that they contain no mineral oils/liquid parafidiums - it played on my mind. I liked the overall effect of my trial, so went on to purchase the full men's range and I'm glad I did! I have been using the product for three months now, and my shave is rash free and smooth and calm afterwards. I probably love the moisturiser the best, it feels great, and you can tell it's a luxury product....although I also find the after shave balm great, as it is so cooling and soothing after my shave! I use the full range religiously and will be re-ordering again soon. Also....I appear to be saving money...because my razor blades last approximately 2 weeks longer than they used to! Would I recommend to others? Yes, I would ...and already have!"Mr H, Middlesex

A great testimonial for the men's RE9 set...and yes its true...your razorblades actually do last longer....


Yes I know I know...this is surely a contradiction, given that we are about to head in to the over indulgent season right? Well, all the more reason to embrace it now, flush your system out now....before you clog it all back up again !! I will hit you with it again in January.....As with the RE9 mask that I issued in August, I will mail all preferred clients some samples and information on the detox range with your Festive catalogue, so you can try for yourselves. This will include a "oh my god, it's a miracle"* hair mask. I absolutely love the detox range, for the body, this is totally the range for me and I use it daily. It is perfect after the gym and perfect for when you are run down from either being over indulgent or from burning the candle both ends.

Here is a little bit of information as a taster ....

Face and Body mask - This is the epitome of the way we expect a mask to look - bright GREEN. But there is good reason for it, as it contains blue and green algae which is packed full of antitoxidants and vitamins; Sea lettuce which is an extremely powerful antitoxidant; Ginger root which relaxes muscles. It is very good for skin problems (eg psoriasis**) as it is very healing and whilst stimulating (good for cellulite) is also soothing. 
I love this mask - apparently the redder you go, the more toxins you are carrying in your body ...oops. I mainly use for my face, as it calms down, yet lifts my problematic skin when I am over-tired and run down. Another Arbonne consultant uses it on her legs/thighs/midriff before a big night out, wanting the frock to fit as well as it can (who needs spanx?)

Exfoliating scrub - Contains 9 fabulous minerals - magnesium, zinc, sea fennel, hazel seed, grape seed, jojoba, sunflower, sea kelp, bladderwack. Also contains Vitmains E and F. Exfoliation is key to detoxing, because it stimulates your lymphatic system, which helps eliminate toxins. By exfoliating with this scrub, you are helping to break down cell walls around fat and get it moving....and it is then excreted through the body (eg sweating and the lavatory). If you are ill/tired/on medication exfoliation also helps to fortify your system.

Love love love this scrub .... it leaves your skin so soft and supple, especially followed by the 24 hour body moisturiser......

Gelee - This is a gloopy substance, that to me smells like lemon curd and feels like runny jam. It sounds It isn't...its totally fabulous and I LOVE IT !! It contains botantical sea extracts and helps restore the skin's iconic balance. It contains lemon verbena (stimulating and good for antitoxidants), spirulina, Shea butter and green tea extracts. It flushes the cells of toxins (so good for cellulite) and is refreshing cooling. Known to be good for varicose veins, sunburn, after waxing, on flights and headaches ! It also contains spearmint, which creates a "tingle" when it touches your skin.

I particularly enjoy the gelee after exercise and after the sea soak bath - I love the tingle :o)

So that's it for Octoberfest, I'm going to get the Christmas tree and mince pies ready now, for my festive launch ! Thanks for reading folks, speak soon xx

*As quoted by 33 year old female preferred client, May 2011
** Recommended that the problematic areas are covered with skin conditioning oil in the first instance, and then covered with the mask

Monday, 19 September 2011

Cautious Cathy and her new Arbonne adventure...

It sounds like a storybook doesn't it? Perhaps Cautious Cathy belongs with a gang of kids, and a dog and smugglers and coves?! But then Cathy uses some magic Arbonne face cream...and hey presto! She is transported to another world .... hmm ..........ok very tenuous link!!  For those that haven't guessed - I am "Cautious Cathy" and my "new adventure" is indeed Arbonne. For those that don't know, Arbonne is a company that produces exceptional quality skin and wellness products. You may not have heard of it before.....that's because Arbonne does not advertise, the product is marketed through a network marketing method of distribution via Independent Consultants - aka moi! I had initially intended to use this blogspot as a way to keep clients and consultants informed. However, some of my Facebook/Twitter/Linked In posting has prompted questions and this has encouraged me to put together this business summary and to share my blog openly (Yes - another - blog!)

So, me (Cautious Cathy),  who has worked for a small corporate for seven years followed by a PLC for the last three. My career in Lettings therefore carries a grand total of 10 years. Phew. Over the years, I have hesitated and played it safe with cautious (cathy) decisions (I quit the seven year job twice, but both times they convinced me to stay - third time lucky I guess?) and cautious expenditure (I changed my mind on three properties before I bought my existing flat). Over the years I have been asked and encouraged numerous times to set up my own Lettings Company. However, money, energy and a question mark over my desire to take this route long term, has held me back. Somewhere at the back of my mind, I have harboured other desires of "something" -  My own business was one (but in what?) or re-training (How could I afford it?) or writing more (the percentage that make a living out of it is small). Oh what to do?

Therefore, being introduced to Arbonne as a way of earning additional income, was an incredibly exciting prospect. I didn't need to quit my job. I would be self employed. I could fit it around my life, and not the other way round. The set up expenditure was low. The product was great. My gut instinct screamed "YES!!", but my alter ego "Cautious Cathy" needed to satisfy her head. After all, there would be a financial commitment - albeit a small one - and a time commitment. I also had a "dream catcher" telling me it was pyramid selling and that "there would never be any real money in it". So there were misconceptions to tackle, and financial reward questions, to be answered.

Clearly, I have jumped in and started my business. So why? Why now? And how does it actually work? So let me talk you through three key reasons I said "Yes" to this business opportunity, and "Cathy" naturally dissolved her cautiousness.

1/ The model of network marketing
2/ The health and wellness movement
3/ The product

Before I explain these three key areas - which will overlap - let me quickly put them into context for you by answering this question.

Why do people sell products through Network Marketing rather than selling them in a shop?
In the instance of Arbonne, the vision was very clear. The founder  - Petter Mork (A Norwegian botanist based in Switzerland) developed an extraordinary premium skincare range, that was pure, safe and beneficial. But he wanted this product to be available to the likes of you or me - eg ensuring it was in a reasonable price bracket. In traditional retail the consumer is paying for the content of the product, plus the advertising, plus the retailing, plus the wholesalers, plus the distributors. This is why the end product of skincare which is Swiss, exclusive and premium will end up being in the £100- 400's price range. This is not affordable to the likes of me - not if I want to eat anyway! So, if the product were to be made affordable to "the masses" he had to find a different method of distribution.

So, 32 years ago Petter Mork took the product to the home of Network Marketing - America - to start his business. Network marketing rewards individuals within a consumer network via a compensation (commission) structure for introducing the product to others. It is a retailing method by which the price of the product can be kept reasonable. To place this into context, in traditional retail, stars are paid 20-30 MILLION DOLLARS (!!!) purely to be the face of a product.....therefore, distributing via a network of Independent Consultants is hugely economical by comparison!

So to little Cautious Cathy over here, who like to understand "why" all the time, the context of "why" Arbonne is marketed this way, totally made sense, and the concept of network marketing (which seems so alien if you have not come across it before!) started to gently click into place.

So what is network marketing with Arbonne? - In very basic terms. I have stopped buying my skincare, body care and make up from shops. I have started buying them at wholesale discount - from myself. I have then shown clients how to re-direct their existing spending by buying products from me, and I am showing consultants how to buy from themselves, and teaching them to teach others to do the same. So....People know people who know people who know people. It's really that simple. I am then earning a commission from the people who know people, who know people.

Ok, so possibly a smidge baffling. Let me give you a mathematical picture to demonstrate my point. When I was learning about this business, I was asked whether I knew just 4 friends (that have skin and hair) who also possibly wanted their own home based business/extra income....(yes....) If so, did I think that I could then help them find 4 friends each, that wanted to do the same (yeess....) And so, could I then help teach them, to help their 4 friends to find 4 friends...(yeeessss) well those 4 people would give me 84 consultants  in my business (never mind all the clients along the way). 84 people....But...I personally... just knew 4. What about if I knew 6? what about if i knew 8? (Hmmmmm...interreessttinngggg.)

I don't know about you, but Cautious Cathy's cogs were seriously turning by that point....afterall we are in the age of networking - social media sites, networking meetings, rewards for recommend a friend...this totally makes sense to me....I then went on to learn that building networks is predicted as THE business of the 21st Century, eg traditional retail is evolving in new directions - just look at the shift towards internet shopping....Network marketing is on the up. It's just not something we are particular familiar with here in the UK, or if we are, there tends to be a little bit of poo-pooing of the idea. But you know what, if its good enough for Robert Kiyosaki*, it was good enough for Cautious Cathy.....

*(Look up The Business of the 21st Century with Robert Kiyosaki's books/CD's)

Health and Wellness Movement/Revolution - Were you aware that we are in momentum for a massive shift in this sector of industry? No, nor did Cathy (she was slightly less cautious by this point) Any new movement or shift is fuelled by a need and a desire. Our need in the modern day world is driven by growing obesity and unhealthy living. The desire is for people wanting to be healthy, to look good and look younger - for longer. People are also leaning more towards prevention - rather than cure - wanting to feed and fuel their bodies properly. This movement, which is currently in momentum, has been earmarked as the next trillion dollar industry, as predicted by Paul Zane Pilzer. Oh...he predicted the boom by the way....Oh ...and he's a nobel prize winner ....I think the guy knows or thing or two. His prediction is, that the next 10 million millionaires are going to be in this industry....(check out

So, where does Arbonne fit into this movement? Firstly, the products are safe, pure and botanical. As time goes on, where we have become concerned about the ingredients in our foods (Grow your own! Be organic!) people are also becoming more educated about what they are putting onto their skin. This is just as important as what you put in your mouth - 60% of what you put onto your skin is absorbed into your bloodstream ! Scary! So, the fact that Arbonne is Vegan, free from mineral oils and parabens means that it is already tapped into the needs and desires of the skincare marketplace of the future. Cautious Cathy had no idea what mineral oils or parabens were until'll be reading the indgredients on your beauty products straightaway, just like I was.....

This combined with the fact that the range of product, spreads across huge predicted growth areas of the health and wellness industries - such as anti aging, mens skin care, make up, nutrition and weight loss and detoxification means the product is incredibly well positioned for massive growth. (Visible anti-aging results in 24 hours baby!)

The Product - So what about the "selling" of the product? Cathy was pretty comfortable with talking to people about things she was passionate about. However, "convincing" people to buy creams she knew little about at that stage, may have been a little ....tricky....? However, Arbonne introduced her to "Try before you buy"! I can solemly declare - I LOVE this part of the business! No outlay by the potential consumer, unless they know it works for them - to me this made it ethical, and transparent - there is no "forcing" your mates to buy your products - they could decide for themselves, by simply trying the ranges first. Potential clients/consultants take home one of the (full size) gold/blue or brown bags of product, and use it exclusively for 3 days, day and night. Assuming the result is positive and one chooses to become a preferred client or consultant, then I would go on to show them the best value way to buy the products or start up kit for a consultant. "Best Value". Showing people the most economical way to buy. How to get discount! How to get freebies! How to take advantage of the best offers! The order is then processed online and it is shipped - by courier - directly to the individuals door (Yes, that's correct, I do not have a stash of product in my flat that I have to sell on...just as well, have you seen the size of my flat !!??)

This is such a great way to do business - Could you imagine walking into a department store and asking them if you can take home six or seven items from their flagship and most expensive range......or viewing properties and then asking if you could move in for a week, to see how warm the house is, and see what the neighbours are like. Genius. And skincare genius is not something I profess to be. But I learnt the basics, and my clients have taught me the rest - by sharing their results with me.

However, the list goes on. Arbonne also provides other everyday items - shampoo's/conditioners/body washes/shower washes/body moisturisers/make up. These are everyday items that everyone has in their bathroom - You need to wash your hair, you need to wash and moisturise your body - and probably you prefer to do this everyday....if not twice a day ? "And so?" is what Cautious Cathy initially questioned.... !

And so....if a company is supplying a product that everybody wants and needs daily and people like it, buy it, use it.....well eventually they use it is consumable.Which means people will re-order. And re-order. And re-order. And every one of my clients are always affiliated to me - they can't nip into town and buy from someone else - so I am rewarded for every purchase, not just an introductory order. So your client base continues to build over time, with clients receiving their own log in details to the website and typically needing to re-order every 3-4 months. Consumable is key. If I were to introduce you to a truly fabulous mop and bucket...well its infinitely less interesting for a start..... But, also often will you need to replace it....?? Every couple of years? This was another huge lightbulb moment for Cautious Cathy....


So, the convergence of a fabulous consumable product, with a growing network marketing industry, crossed with the next big lifestyle shift and merged with the massive movement of internet shopping, meant that for me, the Cautious Cathy alter ego, totally fell away. These are the layered reasons I - and many others besides me - have grasped this opportunity with both hands and are frantically building networks.

Learning this information also made my trade off of my financial and time investments, versus the possible long term rewards, an easy justification. Was this the right business for me to give a financial and time commitment.? Yes, it was. Was I therefore prepared to make a financial investment that was the equivalent of 1 or 2 nights out a month, for 12 months, to build this business? Yes. I was. Would I be prepared to give up some personal time to meet people for coffees or wine to talk them through the business or the product. Yes I was. I knew people who washed! I knew people who wanted to earn extra money! I knew people that would become as grossly fascinated as I have, with this business! Let me get my hands on the products !!

Let me also be clear here. Anyone can do this business (Do you think I knew anything about skincare before I started this?) but another massive eye opener for Cautious Cathy was meeting others in the industry and this offered that cautious nature, true validation. I am talking about educated, smart, successful, professionals from all walks of life and background, some of whom have actually been able to turn their back on corporate employment, in favour of working part time, growing their network and being able to spend more time with the kids/husband/wife/the garden/down the gym. It's also worth mentioning, I have met some of the top earners from both the UK and the States...and my dream catcher can be well assured; There is absolutely, most definitely, money, in this business.

And the great thing is, I can share all of this (rather than store it)'s networking after all......

So. Thanks for reading.......I hope you enjoyed "Cathy's" story.

And now. Ask yourself this.

Like me, do you have 4 people you could tell..............?

Thursday, 1 September 2011

September spotted....

Good evening folks, thanks for linking in. This is the September Blog update for my Arbonne clients! Much easier than trying to round robin email everyone and all the info supplied here can be retrieved by you, without you having to scour through loads of emails !! Just save to your browser and then you can click in whenever you want !

So !! September information !!

Purchase With Purchase this month - the FC5 night cream only £17.00 with every £45.00 spend !! Excitement !! (Link 1 below)

FC5 is actually "my range" shall we say. Being blemish prone since I was 14, the oily/combination range does absolute wonders !! My skin is soft and hydrated, but without any oiliness at the end of a full day's work, and my skin has really calmed down, it's the best it has ever been in fact. Long term spots are apparently caused by hormone imbalance and as a result the skin over produces oils, which in turn, block pores and turn into zits. They need to be tackled by the hormones themselves, or by the oil your skin is producing, or in some cases - both. So if you know any spotty sufferers...send them my way, I may just have the solution !! So, this month's PWP is absolutely on my shopping list this month at this price !!! The night cream has been recommended for scarring and now that the spots are gone....well it's time for some night repair action, me feels !!!!

Something else to note here - Arbonne products are synergistic (I think that's the right word!) so you can mix the ranges together. Some avid RE9 users actually opt for the FC5 ranges in the hotter (?) months as it is lighter in smell and texture.

Re-launches - Some of my preferred clients have expressed an interest in the business opportunity, which I am happy to discuss at any time. However, September sees the return of some Jennie launches, so why not come along to one of those! I will be holding two re-launches this month, which will typically involve wine and an hour or two (or three - depending on how much wine you like) of people's time. Dates to be confirmed, but there will be one in Stratford upon Avon and one in West London and the tone is informal and informative. The first two I held were a blast, one ended in a curry down Pitshanger Lane and the other supping a Port or two in rather super hotel would be great to see you there...if only for the wine!! Dates to follow...

Recommend a Friend - Do you have a friend/sister/cousin/nephew/niece/aunty/husband/neighbour who would like a free 3 day trial of the product the same way you did? Recommend a friend, and if they become a preferred client receive the box of the Detox Spa Soaks for FREE. (Srp - £41 - link 2 below).

Speaking of Spa ....if anyone wants to try this range, let me's a fabulous range and can assist with weight loss programmes, breaking down fatty cells and assisting with cellulite....I will do a feature on this soon. The hair mask from this range has also been described by one of my top preferred clients as "magic" and a "miracle" after using on her just colour treated and tangled hair, leaving it "silky smooth" afterwards (her words - not mine!!!)

Not in my words....

Finally, this leads me neatly onto this month's testimonial (hopefully one a month hereon in). Whilst every one's skin is different and everyone gets different results, I think its really important for you to hear positive results, from someone who isn't me. This months testimonial is an important one, because the products made a big difference to her life.....

"My good friend Jen decided to embark on the Arbonne adventure and so after using the RE9 sample and attending one of her launch events I made my purchase. I tried the RE9 facial skin care range, and loved it. My problematic skin felt soft, fresh and clean after just a few days. The cost initially held me back (I’m usually a soap and water girl!) but I needed to sort out the Roseacea I was suffering from, as my wedding day was just a couple of months away (the other creams/medication I’d been trying didn’t seem to be having any effect.) Pretty much immediately, my cheeks and forehead were calmer, not so blotchy / inflamed and softer. Gradually, with continued use this has improved even more, and using the products have made me much more confident about my skin."

Anyone that knows a Roseacea sufferer, will know that the cause is unknown and there is no medical cure. It can massively affect confidence because it can mean spots, inflamed cheeks/skin, pimples or bumps and swollen vessels and tissue. From what I have read on the condition, the pure ingredients, Vitamin C, sunscreen and lack of chemicals in the products, are likely to be the key factors in the above success story.

Thanks for reading folks, speak soon xx

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